Tuesday, April 26, 2011

AugieFolio template

The first draft of a Learning ePortfolio is out and ready for your feedback!

AugieFolio has been designed as a template to be used as a learning tool by students.We want the portfolio to be easy to use, especially at the beginning, and still allow for each individual student to tailor it to his/her particular needs and experiences. While, hopefully, we as faculty will guide them in its use early on, the goal of course is for students to take ownership of their portfolio to document and manage their learning.

Realize that this is just a first draft; as such it is extremely flexible. We can change the narrative description of any of the pages, the layout (the "theme"), the organizational structure, etc. In fact, any individual student can make these changes in their portfolio!

I hope you can take a look and provide feedback. More importantly, I hope you will start to envision ways that we can use this tool in our classes, departments and programs to enhance student learning!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I went there, but found out that I had to sign in to my google account to actually get to AugieFolio
